Our Approach

Bellemoor Consulting was formed in 2016 and has extensive experience in renewables and waste management projects specialising in construction of facilities and structured project finance deals. Working at SPV, end user (operator) and EPC levels Bellemoor can bring our depth of experience of a wide variety of contract conditions and can help to evaluate the needs and drivers of the stakeholders in a project. With this clarity we can enable you to manage risk and commercial issues and to deliver positive outcomes for your organisation.

We have the experience to help you to manage the challenges throughout the life of your infrastructure project, having delivered a wide variety of projects including; renewables, waste management, defence, maritime and commercial facilities in both private and public sector environments.

Our approach is focused on building strong relationships established on trust, coupled with a detailed understanding of the issues.

SPV Management

Project finance, PPP and PFI projects are carefully structured, with a complex set of legal agreements, funding arrangements with the output specifications for the project flowed down to EPC and specialist operating companies. However, this structure does not remove the need for effective management to understand and protect the Funder and SPV’s position and to ensure that expected project returns are achieved.

Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) are often very lightly resourced and need support in during challenging periods to projects. We do not provide the detailed financial services, but can support SPVs with technical issues and stakeholder management to help to maintain sound relationships with client authorities, lenders, equity shareholders and regulatory bodies.

We can help you to act as an intelligent client; identifying and understanding the decisions and notices required of the SPV so that they are identified, agreed and discharged in good time, whilst ensuring that the shareholders’ position is safeguarded. To best assist the management of your projects, we will set appropriate delegated levels of responsibility with you and identify and agree escalation criteria.

Providing an independent view of issues and clear reports to Boards to allow them to digest and question issues is an important part of the services that we provide. We pride ourselves on the honesty and impartiality of our advice and the solutions that we suggest, taking great care to objectively balance the needs of the stakeholders with what is best for the project.

Investor Support

With experience of delivering a wide variety of technologies, we can provide technical and commercial support for investors through due diligence processes during investment or M&A activities.

We have extensive knowledge of the market and have experience in negotiating and reviewing industry contracts on behalf of the SPV, operator and EPC contractor. We are experienced in all phases of projects and can support teams during project inception, planning and permitting. financial and commercial close negotiations, EPC delivery and operations.

Contract review and market analysis are just parts of the due diligence process. An essential element of our approach to due diligence is to work with project participants – to understand their perception of risk and their rationale for participating in a transaction.

Contract Management

We have over 40 years of contract management experience in the UK and overseas and of most major forms of contract including NEC, IChemE.

FIDIC, ICE, JCT, WIDP and P3 Canada as well as many subcontract forms.

We can provide support in most areas of contract including selection, negotiation, management and dispute resolution.

Advice can be given on approaches to risk allocation, partnering, and in effective approaches to contract administration including the use of proprietary web based contract and document management software.

Our experience includes the resolution of complex contractual issues including terminations due to insolvency and voluntary administration and other events of default. Teams facing such challenges need experienced support to understand the actions that need to be taken, the records to be kept and the contract notices to be issued.

Contracts are designed to help both parties, but to protect your position you need understanding and experience on your side.

Experience across technologies

Anaerobic Digestion (AD)

Delivery of AD facilities for both source segregated food waste and feedstock segregated from mixed residual waste sources provide a sound knowledge of the approaches to the design of these plants and the various challenges that they can present to builders and operators.

Energy export from CHP and gas to grid systems.

Dry AD and In Vessel Composting (IVC)

The construction and commissioning of dry AD and IVC based facilities dealing with a variety of feedstocks including that segregated from mixed residual waste and from both source segregated food and green waste collections.

Energy export from CHP and gas to grid systems.

Energy From Waste (EfW)

Construction of a 140,000tpa three line gasification facility driving a steam turbine to produce a gross 15MW electrical output and a net export of grid of approx. 12M

Mechanical Biological Treatment Facilities (MBT)

Construction and refurbishment of several biodrying plants for the processing of MSW.

Construction and commissioning of an Autoclave for processing 40,000tpa of organic waste separated from MSW.

Material Recovery Facilities (MRF)

Construction and refurbishment of MRFs for processing

Mixed dry recyclates (MDR),

Fresh MSW and Bio-dried MSW from MBT plants.